
Peninsula School District Volunteer Application

We appreciate your interest in volunteering for Peninsula School District. Our district offers a variety of activities you may choose from when volunteering your time. To ensure the safety of our students and staff, you must complete the volunteer application and be approved before you can begin your volunteer assignment.

It is very important that the information you enter on the application matches your driver's license, including your full legal name. You will also be asked to provide a valid email address so you can be notified as to the status of your application and for future communication. All information collected on the application will remain confidential and not be shared outside the volunteer program.

You will be asked in the application to acknowledge reading the PSD Volunteer Handbook. If you haven't already done so, please do so now.

You will also need to submit a copy of your driver's license or other government issued picture ID in order to process your application and complete the background check. The Washington State Legislature has helped us to assure security for students by allowing background checks on all people who work with students in schools. Peninsula School District supports this requirement; thus all volunteers must complete this form and undergo a Washington State Patrol Criminal Background Check.

Any falsification, omission, deliberate misrepresentation or failure to complete any part of this form is grounds for rejection as a volunteer. Peninsula School District reserves the right to reject any applicant for any legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason. Decisions about volunteer approval status are made on a case by case basis. NOTE: Criminal convictions DO NOT necessarily restrict you from volunteering.  

If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact the PSD Educational Service Center at 253-530-1000.

Thank you.

Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
Please note: An email will be sent to the email address entered to inform you of the status of your application. If you do not have access to email, please enter and a district administrator will call you regarding the status.
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please select the functions from the list below. (select all that apply)



The following documents are required by the state to authorize clearance within this school district.


Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read the disclaimer below and provide your signature

I hereby authorize and consent to Peninsula School District, its agents, and employees to inquire into and undertake whatever background check of me that Peninsula School District, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate to determine my fitness to serve as a volunteer. I understand the inquiry may include computer database searches, criminal history checks (including a Washington State Patrol Request for Criminal History Information Child/Adult Abuse Information Act RCW 43.43.830 through 43.43.845 - WATCH report), interviews with people acquainted with me, employers or references. I understand the information will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law, but that Peninsula School District, as a public entity, is subject to the State Public Records Act, RCW 42.56 et seq and the exemptions provided there under, as amended. Names of approved volunteers may be released to Peninsula School District VPOs upon request for the purpose of recruiting volunteers or verifying approval status for school activities. I release and hold harmless Peninsula School District, its agents and employees, and all references or other sources of information from any and all liability in obtaining or providing such information about me. I agree that if the Peninsula School District determines, in its sole discretion, that I have provided false or incomplete information in response to the above questions, or the District decides, with or without cause, not to approve or retain me as a volunteer for whatever reason, Peninsula School District may, without notice or other process, reject my application to server as a volunteer, or revoke my privilege to serve as a volunteer.

Pursuant to RCW 9A.72.085, I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.

All information in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have received and thoroughly read the Peninsula School District Volunteer Handbook. I understand the information in the handbook and I agree to comply with the guidelines set forth in the handbook. As a condition of being permitted to volunteer for Peninsula School District, I freely accept and voluntarily assume the risks of personal injury or property damage that may result from my volunteer activities. I hereby agree to waive any and all claims arising out of any such injury or damage.

If you type your name on the signature line, you are signing this application electronically and agree that your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on your application. You further agree that no certification authority or other third part verification is necessary to validate your electronic signature.

By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You

Your volunteer application has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed per the district’s volunteer policy. In the near future, you will be notified as to your volunteer status. If you have any questions, please request to speak with a volunteer representative.