
THE POINT Volunteer Application


We appreciate your interest in volunteering for THE POINT. As a volunteer, you'll impact the lives of youth and families, creating a brighter future together. As a faith-based organization, we offer opportunities to support children's spiritual, physical, emotional, and academic growth. Your dedication and service will make a lasting difference. Thank you for joining us in making a meaningful impact in our community.

Please complete and submit this volunteer application and upon approval, you will receive instructions on the next steps.

The information you enter on the application must match your government-issued identification card including your full legal name. You must provide a valid email address so you can be notified as to the status of your application and for future communication.

If you have questions about the application, please contact me.

Thank you,


Erin Bowman

Volunteer Coordinator
Office Phone: 610-857-3393 ext. 102


Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
Please note: An email will be sent to the email address entered to inform you of the status of your application. If you do not have access to email, please enter volunteers@parkesburgpoint.com and a POINT administrator will call you regarding the status.
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please read about our programs below and then select "VOLUNTEER" to continue.

  • Academic Enrichment

Tutoring - Math fact and reading fluency

                         -Subject-specific one-to-one

  • Adopt- A- Night

A church or organization provides a meal for 70 students and staff, monthly.

  • Hands-on Training Center (HOTC)

We anticipate introducing our students to carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, drywall installation, painting, and basic car maintenance this year.  

  • School Program

POINT Staff and volunteers assist the school staff in the Octorara and Coatesville Area Schools with hallway monitoring and lunch/recess time.

  • Crown Financial

This program is designed as an outreach to individuals in marginalized communities to transform and restore their hearts for God.

  • E-Sports

Our E-Sports room offers students a diverse selection of video games and systems to enjoy.

  • BOYS'/GIRLS' Nights 

We host monthly events during the school year with food, fun, fellowship, and a gospel message. This is our most popular event attracting 90-100 kids on average.

  • Evening Program

The program starts at 3:30 PM and ends at 7:00 PM, during which students participate in various activities such as basketball, volleyball, skateboarding, art, games, and crafts. Along with these activities, students get to hear a gospel message and build meaningful relationships with staff and volunteers. The program wraps up with dinner, providing students with a fun, enriching, and healthy after-school experience.

     Mondays/Wednesdays- 6th through 12th grade

     Tuesdays/Thursdays- 2nd through 5th grade

  • Sports/Recreation

Sports tournaments are held on weekends with a gospel message presented at half-time. Up to 500 participants and spectators attend.

  • Administrative Support

There are always tasks such as filing, organizing, and stuffing envelopes that need to be done.

  • MOMS' Club/ KIDS' Club

Our group of young mothers meets weekly to share a meal and provide support and encouragement through discussions and games.

Our staff takes care of the children while their moms meet, making it a highlight of our week!








Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read the disclaimer below and provide your signature

By providing your signature, you are stating that you have read and understand our FAITH STATEMENT below and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of THE POINT Volunteer Program.



  • We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe the Scriptures, in their original writings, to be infallible and the divine authority for Christian faith and life.
  • We believe in the full humanity and full deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory.
  • We believe that humans were created in the image of God but became alienated from God because of sin. That eternal alienation can be removed only by accepting through faith God’s gift of salvation, which was made possible by Jesus Christ’s death, and that in Him is found the complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of mankind.
  • We believe that the Holy Spirit performs the miracle of spiritual new birth in unbelievers and indwells believers, enabling them to live godly lives.
  • We believe that saving faith will manifest itself in the form of good works that will contradict the self-centeredness of the world and bring attention to the person of Jesus Christ.

By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You



Thank you for submitting your volunteer application on %JUSTDATE%. We have received it and it is currently being reviewed. You will be notified of the status of your application soon. We appreciate your patience in this process. 

While you wait, please proceed with STEP TWO by clicking on each link below. (Criminal and Child Abuse clearances are free for volunteers. Be sure to indicate your volunteer status..)

 *If you have lived in Pennsylvania for 10 or more consecutive years, you do not need to get fingerprinted. If this is the case, do not register for the FBI Fingerprint; instead, fill out the Exemption/Disclosure Form.


When you have received your clearances, please email them to me, upload them HERE, or drop a copy off at THE POINT.


Thank you!