Thank you for your interest in being an SBISD volunteer! Haga clic aquí para la solicitud de voluntariado en español.
SBISD requires all volunteer applicants to undergo a criminal history background check and agree to adhere to SBISD’s Volunteer Ethics & Guidelines each school year. Additionally, as a volunteer, you must be signed in through Raptor® each time you enter an SBISD campus.
How to Submit Your Application:
Please use your full legal name that matches your government-issued ID when completing your application.
All confidential information collected on the application will remain confidential under all applicable laws.
If you do not have an email address, please enter in the email address field.
Application Notification:
If you provide a valid email address and your application is approved, you will receive an email notification from
If your application is denied, you will receive a letter via U.S. mail from the SBISD Police Department or a letter
or e-mail from the SBISD Human Resources Department.
Please note, it may take up to 10 business days for your volunteer application to be processed.
Questions? SBISD Community Engagement | 713-251-2468 or