As a Free Horizon Montessori volunteer, you are required to provide your United States social security number so a criminal background check can be performed. Your social security number will only be used for this purpose and we do not retain this information.
As a community volunteer assisting at Free Horizon Montessori, once you have been authorized by the Principal to assist subject to the direction and control of the school’s administrators and teachers. As such, you may under limited circumstances have access to student education records in connection with your authorized duties. Student education records include all records, files, documents, and other materials that contain personally identifiable information on any student, as well as the personally identifiable information itself (including student grades).
By signing below, you agree to maintain the confidentiality of all student education records, information, and knowledge that you generate and to which you are given access as an authorized community volunteer. This means that you agree not to disclose student education records or personally identifiable student information in such records to any person other than the school administrator(s) and/or teacher(s) with whom you are working. Further, you also agree to keep staff information, records, or knowledge confidential. You understand and agree that your failure to maintain the confidentiality of all student education records to which you are given access may disqualify you from further service as a community volunteer in Free Horizon Montessori PK-8 and Jeffco Public Schools.
If you have any questions about the disclosure of records, information, or knowledge, please refer them to the Principal.
Thank you for your contributions to our community! We look forward to having you volunteer at our school.