Webster Groves School District Student Privacy Statement and Confidentiality Agreement
Student Privacy and Volunteer Confidentiality:
Students in the Webster Groves School District have the right to expect that information about them will be kept confidential by all. Additionally, the U.S. Congress has addressed the privacy-related concerns of educators, parents, and students by enacting the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known more commonly as FERPA). Among other provisions, FERPA allows the government to withdraw federal funds from any educational institution which disseminates a student’s education records without his or her parent’s consent.
Each student with whom you work has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or about him or her will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school employees, as designated by the administrators at your school. Even when discussing a student with those who are directly involved in a student’s education, such as a teacher, principal, or guidance counselor, you may not share otherwise confidential information with them unless it is relevant to the student’s educational growth, safety, or well being.
You may not share information about a student with others who are genuinely interested in the student’s welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, or nurses/physicians (a medical emergency, in which confidential information may be necessary for a student’s care, is the only exception). Thus, you must refer all such questions to the student’s teacher or principal.
Parents, friends, or community members may in good faith ask you questions about a student’s problems or progress. Again, you must refer all such questions to the authorized school employees. You may not share information about a student even with members of your own family or the student’s family.
Before you speak, always remember that breaching a student’s privacy and confidentiality is a FERPA violation and must be avoided.
Additionally, all district volunteers are required to comply with the Webster Groves School District's Code of Conduct, which can be found here. This Code of Conduct, along with Board Policies GBH - Staff/Student Relations and JHG - Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect, apply to all personnel and volunteers of the District who interact with students.
I as a volunteer for Webster Groves School District, agree never to disclose information about a student’s records to anyone other than an authorized school employee. I will refer all requests for such information from those not directly involved in the student’s education to authorized school employees.