We appreciate your interest in volunteering in the Clover Park School District. Volunteer activities vary from school to school. You can select which activities suit you best as well as which schools you would like to volunteer your time. Simply complete and submit a volunteer application and upon approval you will receive instructions on next steps. If you are applying to be a VOLUNTEER COACH, you must first get approval from the head coach or school Athletic Director.
It is very important that the information you enter on the application matches your government issued identification card including your full legal name. It is important that you provide a valid email address so you can be notified as to the status of your application and for future communication. All information collected on the application will remain confidential and not be shared outside the volunteer program.
Request for Criminal History Information (RCW 43.43.830 through 43.43.845) The Washington State Legislature has helped us assure the security for children by allowing background checks on all people who work with children in schools in accordance with Chapter 43.43 RCW. CPSD cares about all our students, and therefore we support this requirement and work to ensure all volunteers complete this form and undergo a background check each school year prior to beginning as an active volunteer. Prospective volunteers are required to complete the disclosure questions below on the following page by answering YES or NO to EACH. If the answer is YES to any question, please explain in the area provided to the left with as much detail as possible including the charge/finding, date and court(s) involved.
If you have any questions about the application, please request to speak with a volunteer representative at your child's school or the district office.
Thank you,
District Volunteer Coordinator