
District Volunteer Application

Dear Volunteer:

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Ozark School District. Without volunteers, many classroom activities would not be possible and our staff is extremely thankful for the assistance you provide.

Please read through and familiarize yourself with the following Ozark School Board Policies. If you have any questions after reading these policies, please contact the building principal or counselor.

IICC – School Volunteers 

JFCF - Bullying – Volunteers are expected to be able to identify and report bullying to the building principal or staff member. 

KK – Visitors to District Property/Events 

ACA- Title IX

As you begin volunteering, please also familiarize yourself with all building emergency procedures and remember all student information is to be kept confidential.

By signing the Parent Volunteer Form, you acknowledge you have read School Board Policies IICC, JFCF, KK and ACA

We appreciate your interest in volunteering for the District Volunteer Program. Our district offers a variety of activities you may choose from when volunteering your time. Simply complete and submit a volunteer application and upon approval you will receive instructions on next steps.

It is very important that the information you enter on the application matches your government issued identification card including your full legal name. It is important that you provide a valid email address so you can be notified as to the status of your application and for future communication. All information collected on the application will remain confidential and not be shared outside the volunteer program. 


Kim Fitzpatrick, Ed.D.

Executive Director of Student Services

Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
Please note: An email will be sent to the email address entered to inform you of the status of your application
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please select the functions from the list below. (select all that apply)


Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read the disclaimer below and provide your signature

By signing the Parent Volunteer Form, you acknowledge you have read School Board Policies IICC, JFCF and KK.

By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You

Your volunteer application has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed per the district’s volunteer policy. In the near future, you will be notified as to your volunteer status. If you have any questions, please request to speak with a volunteer representative.