I understand that in the course volunteering at Discovery, I will become aware of information about specific students, families, staff members and incidents that may occur. I understand and agree that I will not disclose such confidential information except to school employees or board members who have a need to know. This will ensure the protection of our students, staff and board members, thus creating a better environment for all. Additionally, the US Congress has addressed the privacy-related concerns of educators, parents, and students by enacting the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known more commonly as “FERPA” or the “Buckley Amendment”). Among other provisions, FERPA allows the government to take action against any person or institution, which disseminates a student’s education records without his or her parent’s consent.
As a volunteer of Discovery Charter School, I agree to abide by the following guidelines for confidentiality both during my service and afterward:
-I will not discuss a child’s work, behavior progress or specific incidents with anyone other than the student’s parents, other current staff members, or current board members that have a need to know.
-I may learn confidential information about the school (such as staffing, program changes, or financial situations). Regardless of its nature, I will treat all information as confidential.
-I agree to maintain the highest level of discretion in regard to confidential information, files or personal data on the children. At no time will I discuss confidential information, files or personal data with anyone other than current staff or board members that have a need to know.
-I will not make any slanderous comments about Discovery Charter School, PAC, other staff members, board members, families or students.
By signing this agreement I am stating that I will not divulge information about any student, family, employee, board member, or the school itself to any person other than the specific student’s parents, current staff members, or current board members that have a need to know, both during time at Discovery and afterward. I understand that breaking this agreement will result in my volunteer status being revoked and/or legal action being taken.