
District Volunteer Application

Interested in Becoming a RUSD Volunteer? 

The Board of Trustees recognizes that volunteer assistance in schools can enrich the educational program, increase supervision of students, and contribute to school safety while strengthening the schools' relationships with the community. The Board encourages parents/guardians and other members of the community to share their time, knowledge, and abilities with students. (Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1240) 

To get started, simply complete and submit a volunteer application. Upon approval, you will receive instructions on the next steps.

Please ensure that the information you provide on the application matches your government-issued identification, including your full legal name. Additionally, it is essential to provide a valid email address for updates on your application status and for future communications. Rest assured, all information collected on the application will remain confidential and will not be shared outside the volunteer program.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please contact your school site. 

Thank you,
Human Resources Department

Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
Please note: An email will be sent to the email address entered to inform you of the status of your application.
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please select the functions (volunteer categories) from the list below. (select all that apply)



The following documents are required by the state to authorize clearance within this school district.


Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read Board Polices for Maintaining Appropriate Adult-Student interactions (BP 4219.24) and Volunteer Expectations (E 1240) below and provide your signature.


The Governing Board desires to provide a positive school environment that protects the safety and well-being of district students. The Board expects all adults with whom students may interact at school or in school-related activities, including employees, independent contractors, and volunteers, to maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in their interactions with students both within and outside the educational setting. Such adults shall not engage in unlawful or inappropriate interactions with students and shall avoid boundary-blurring behaviors that undermine trust in the adult-student relationship and lead to the appearance of impropriety.
Employees are prohibited from entering into or attempting to form a romantic or sexual relationship with any student or engaging in sexual harassment of a student, including sexual advances, flirtations, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate comments about a student's body or appearance, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Adults shall not intrude on a student's physical or emotional boundaries unless necessary in an emergency or to serve a legitimate purpose related to instruction, counseling, student health, or student or staff safety.
Any employee who observes or has knowledge of another employee's violation of this policy shall report the information to the Superintendent or designee or appropriate agency for investigation pursuant to the applicable complaint procedures.  Other adults with knowledge of any violation of this policy are encouraged to report the violation to the Superintendent or designee. The Superintendent or designee shall protect anyone who reports a violation from retaliation. Immediate intervention shall be implemented when necessary to protect student safety or the integrity of the investigation.

Employees who engage in any conduct in violation of this policy, including retaliation against a person who reports the violation or participates in the complaint process, shall be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Any other adult who violates this policy may be barred from school grounds and activities in accordance with law.  The Superintendent or designee may also notify law enforcement as appropriate.

The district's employee code of conduct addressing interactions with students shall be provided to parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year and shall be posted on school and/or district websites.  (Education Code 44050)


Employees shall remain vigilant of their position of authority and not abuse it when relating with students. Examples of employee conduct that can undermine professional adult-student interactions or create the appearance of impropriety include, but are not limited to: 

1. Initiating inappropriate physical contact
2. Being alone with a student outside of the view of others
3. Visiting a student's home or inviting a student to visit the employee's home without parent/guardian consent
4. Maintaining personal contact with a student that has no legitimate educational purpose, by phone, letter, electronic communications, or other means, without including the student's parent/guardian or the principal
When communicating electronically with students, employees shall use district equipment or technological resources when available. Employees shall not communicate with students through any medium that is designed to eliminate records of the communications. The Superintendent or designee may monitor employee usage of district technology at any time without advance notice or consent.
5. Creating or participating in social networking sites for communication with students, other than those created by the district, without the prior written approval of the principal or designee
6. Inviting or accepting requests from students, or former students who are minors, to connect on personal social networking sites (e.g., "friending" or "following" on social media), unless the site is dedicated to school business
7. Singling out a particular student for personal attention and friendship, including giving gifts and/or nicknames to individual students
8. Addressing a student in an overly familiar manner, such as by using a term of endearment
9. Socializing or spending time with students outside of school-sponsored events, except as participants in community activities
10. Sending or accompanying students on personal errands unrelated to any legitimate educational purpose
11. Transporting a student in a personal vehicle without prior authorization
12. Encouraging students to confide their personal or family problems and/or relationships
13. Disclosing personal, family, or other private matters to students or sharing personal secrets with students



As a volunteer, I agree to the following:

1. Register at the school office when I arrive on campus to volunteer.
2. Follow school and classroom rules and conduct myself responsibly with students on and off school grounds.
3. Protect the physical, mental and emotional well being of students.
4. Maintain confidentiality of student behavior and academic performance that I have observed while volunteering.
5. Be free of the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs when with students on or off school grounds.
6. Support the teacher’s instructional programs.
7. Follow District procedures when working on school projects.
8. Inform the teacher when I am unable to volunteer at my scheduled time or when I stop volunteering.


1. Be a Positive Role Model — your own behavior, dress, hygiene and dependability set an example for children.
2. Learn Names — it means a lot to the children if you remember their names.
3. Allow the Students to Be Themselves — It is important to help children realize they are special.
4. Encourage Time for Discovery — Allow students to think about answers.


Authorized volunteers in the District are covered by workers’ compensation benefits in accordance with the California Labor Code for any injury or illness sustained while in the specific services of the school district. Should you be injured while serving in this capacity, and therefore covered under our Workers’ Compensation Self-Funded Program, we need to advise you that you would not be eligible to file any civil claim, action or proceeding.


I hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and release the Riverbank Unified School District, its governing board, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability claims, demands, injuries or death, losses, or damage which may be incurred during the course and scope of my volunteer activities with the District. 

I understand that volunteers are not compensated, and that I may only provide assistance under the direction and supervision of an employee of the Riverbank Unified School District. I understand that my volunteer services are at the discretion of the Board through its designee, the site principal/administrator, and that my services may be terminated at any time.
By providing my signature, I hereby certify that all statements made on the application and any attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and authorize investigation of all statements herein recorded.  


By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You

Your volunteer application has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed per the district’s volunteer policy. In the near future, you will be notified as to your volunteer status. If you have any questions, please request to speak with your school site.