Miami-Dade County Public Schools School Volunteer Program Policies and Guidelines are as follows:
1. All volunteers must complete the registration and background check process. The registration process can be found at:;
*Statement of Collection, Use, or Release of Social Security Numbers as it relates to volunteers The School Board of Miami-Dade County is authorized to collect, use, or release social security numbers (SSN) of employees, employee dependents, and other individuals*** for the following purposes, which are noted as either required or authorized by law to be collected. Board Policy 8332
2. Once approved (level 1 or level 2) *{Fla Stat 119.071(5)(a)6,} all volunteers must sign in and out at a designated location in the school before proceeding to their volunteer site. This is required for liability and to know the location of a volunteer in case of an emergency.
3. All volunteers must have identification and wear an identification badge.
4. Volunteers are to always serve as positive role models. A school volunteer MUST ALWAYS:
a. Use appropriate language;
b. Discuss age-appropriate topics;
c. Refrain from inappropriately touching students;
d. Refrain from disciplining students (behaviors needing discipline must be referred to the appropriate teacher or staff member);
e. Refrain from giving students gifts, rewards, or food items of any kind without the teacher’s
permission; Board Policies 3213, 3380, 5517
5. For liability reasons, volunteers must leave preschoolers or children not registered in the school, at home.
6. Volunteers may not be left alone to supervise students. The visual and auditory presence of a Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ employee or legal guardian must be maintained at all times including on field trips or virtual-related activities. Board Policy 2340
7. Volunteers MUST keep confidential information about a student or any school-related incident confidential. If there is a safety concern or an emergency issue, it must immediately be communicated to someone in authority. Board Policy 8330
8. Volunteers should notify the front office if an illness or emergency prohibits them from attending a scheduled volunteer shift. Volunteers should be prompt and dependable.
9. The dress code for volunteers should be appropriate at all times.
10. Volunteers should exercise appropriate and responsible use of school and District technology, ZOOM, social media, and information systems. Board Policy 7540
11. Volunteers must report suspected child abuse per Florida statute 39.201. Board Policy 8462
12. Each school principal or worksite supervisor may set additional policies concerning volunteer involvement. A volunteer’s service may be terminated at any time, either at the discretion of the principal, Miami-Dade County Public Schools, or the volunteer.
13. Miami-Dade County Public School’s Employment Standards apply to all volunteers.
By clicking NEXT, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the School Volunteer Program Policies and Guidelines outlined above.