
District Volunteer Application


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Martin County School District.




  1. Complete the application on a computer or turn your phone horizontally if the fields overlap.  For Level 1 Applications, please scroll to the bottom of the page. 
  2. An application will be denied if an applicant does not meet the eligibility criteria, does not complete the Self-Disclosure field correctly, or is missing information. 
  3. If you are applying for Volunteer Level 2, please complete the Level 2 Background information and hit submit on the Google form!!
  4. LEVEL 2 VOLUNTEERS ONLY!! CLICK THE LINKVolunteer Background Information (google.com)  
  5. You must have permission from the school site to be a level 2.  
  6. Please allow 30 days for applications to be processed. 
  7. Legal Name: The information you enter on the application must match your government-issued identification card, including your full legal name. If the name on your ID does not match the name on your application, the system will not be able to sign you in.
  8. Email Address: To receive notifications from Raptor (approval, opportunities, renewal), all applicants must provide a valid email address not used on a previously submitted volunteer application and students must use a personal email address (not your @sbmc.org email). 
  9. Confirmation Email: You will receive an approval email once we have received all of your information. 
  10. Approval Email: You will receive an approval email after your application has been approved and the school will be able to see your status. Please check your spam and contact Volunteer Services if you do not receive it within two weeks.


All felony convictions and misdemeanors listed on the Volunteer Services page will render applicants ineligible to volunteer.

Please note:

  1. Background checks for school employees and volunteers are more in-depth than other background checks you may have completed (Ex. Vendors, real estate, athletic organizations, etc.);
  2. A result of Adjudication Withheld is considered the same as Guilty per Florida Statute (See below);
  3. If an event on the background check is sealed, expunged, or incomplete (the court did not report the final result), the applicant will be contacted to request additional information.

The volunteer application requires that the applicant disclose if s/he has EVER been convicted or had adjudication withheld in a criminal offense (ANY MISDEMEANOR OR FELONY) [*NOTE DUI AND RECKLESS DRIVING ARE CRIMINAL OFFENSES], other than a minor traffic violation, or if any criminal charges are pending. For purposes of this policy, "convicted" means there has been a determination of guilt as a result of a trial or the entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, regardless of whether adjudication is withheld. (F.S. 943.0435).


An applicant who is found through background screening to be included in the FDLE sexual offender/predator registry OR who has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, as defined by rule of the State Board of Education (i.e. a felony or first-degree misdemeanor under the Florida law), OR otherwise found ineligible using these criteria under F.S. 1012.315, MUST NOT be approved as a volunteer. Please include any information on the next page in the Self-Disclosure response field.  Further information concerning these matters may be requested. Failure to comply with any request promptly will result in the denial of a volunteer application. Please see www.martinschools.org/page/volunteer-services for additional information.


Thank you in advance for your support of our school community.


Volunteer Services
Martin County School District
772-219-1200 Ext 30187

Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
<p>Please note: An email will be sent to the email address submitted on your application to inform you of the status of your application. Each volunteer application must have a different email address. Otherwise, a Volunteer Portal Account can not be created.</p><p> </p><p>Volunteer Services<br />Martin County School District<br />venaj@martinschools.org<br />772-219-1200 Ext 30103</p>
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please select the functions from the list below. (select all that apply)


Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read the disclaimer below and provide your signature

One or more of the volunteer activities you have selected may require you to submit to a criminal background check or provide additional information.

In Florida, the entire arrest record is revealed to school districts, including sealed and/or expunged records and military court proceedings. Applicants must disclose this information even if told differently by a lawyer, judge, or other law enforcement individual. If you were given this information by a judge, then those written instructions would need to be provided to MCSD. Prior criminal records may or may not result in disqualification for volunteering; however, failure to disclose this information will disqualify you for volunteering. Information that must be disclosed includes any offense that occurred whether as a juvenile or adult; therefore, all adult and juvenile offenses must be listed.

A volunteer applicant’s criminal history includes any offense for which the applicant posted bail; entered a pre-trial diversion or pre-trial intervention program; had adjudication withheld, was convicted or found guilty; was placed on probation; pled guilty or no contest; was jailed or imprisoned; or appeared in court, as a juvenile or adult. Sealed records, expunged records and military court proceedings must be disclosed. Note: DUI and reckless driving are criminal offenses.

You will receive a phone call or email with instructions if further information is required, including a request for the disposition from the clerk of courts' office.

All volunteers are checked against the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Sexual Predators and Offenders Registry prior to being placed in any volunteer position.

It is a misdemeanor of the first degree for any person to willfully, knowingly, or intentionally fail, by false statement, misrepresentation, impersonation, or other fraudulent means, to disclose in any application for voluntary or paid employment a material fact used in making a determination as to such person's qualifications for a position of special trust.

The Martin County School District operates in compliance with the Florida Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, governing the public's right to access records. The volunteer applicant is responsible to notify the Volunteer Services office if the volunteer is exempt from disclosure in public records requests. Failure to submit this form may result in the disclosure of your home address and telephone number and or photographs in public records. Find the Public Records Law Exemption form here: https://www.martinschools.org/page/public-records-law-exemption-form

By providing your signature, you understand the Martin County School District Volunteer Eligibility and are agreeing to abide by the policies and procedures of the Martin County School District Volunteer Program.

Volunteer Eligibility:  https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2252/MCSD/2120003/Martin_County_School_District_Volunteer_Eligibility.pdf


By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You

Thank you for applying to be a volunteer for the Martin County School District.

Your volunteer application for level 1 has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed per the district’s volunteer policy. Please allow up to two weeks for processing.

- Students & Level 1 Volunteers: Once approved, you will receive an automatic confirmation email.

- Level 2 Volunteers:- You must have permission from the principal of the school site to be a level 2.

LEVEL 2 Volunteer Application please complete link below.


Thank you,

Volunteer Services
Martin County School District
772-219-1200 Ext 30103