As a volunteer, I agree to abide by the following code of volunteer conduct:
1. I will become familiar with the school’s policies and procedures, including the Schenectady City School
District Code of Conduct and uphold these policies while working with students.
2. Immediately upon arrival, I will sign in at the main office and prominently wear a visitor name badge while
in the building.
3. I understand that the classroom teacher is responsible for content, instructional techniques and discipline.
4. I agree to never be alone with individual students who are not under the supervision of teachers or school
(Extended learning programs will align to the respective service agreement.)
5. I will not contact or meet students outside of school hours without permission from the students’ parents/guardians.
6. I agree not to exchange telephone numbers, home addresses, e-mail addresses or any other personal contact
information with students for any purpose unless it is required as part of my role as a volunteer and only with
parental/guardian permission (with documentation provided to the building administrator).
7. I will maintain confidentiality outside of school and will share with teachers and/or school administrators any
concerns that I may have related to student welfare and/or safety.
8. I will not disclose, use, or disseminate student photographs or personal information about students, self, or
9. I will not endorse or promote any particular religion, pray with students or invite them to participate in any
religious activities outside of school.
10. I agree to notify the school principal if I am arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug or weapon
related offense.
Allegations of violation of these standards will result in immediate suspension as a volunteer/mentor. If
an investigation by the proper authorities determines a violation occurred, it will result in the immediate
and permanent dismissal as a district volunteer/mentor.