
Schenectady City School District Volunteer Application

Thank you for taking an interest in working with our students as a volunteer.  The Schenectady City School District is excited to welcome new partners who are interested in volunteering their time to work with our young people.  It's an important role in our community and one that most volunteers enjoy.


As a volunteer, you are special.  The time you offer is considered a gift to our students and staff.  Whether you are the extra hand offering a high five of congratulations for a job well done, a smile that welcomes a "new student" into the morning reading circle, or a voice that speaks out on behalf of our students and teachers about the work they do, you matter and make a difference.  You have the potential to bring unique talents, skills and energy into our schools.   You have the potential to make a difference.


Once you are approved to be a volunteer in our district, it is important that you attend the orientation program.   This is designed to help you be successful as a volunteer in our district. 


We always want to hear from you.  Please let us know how we can make the time you spend in our schools more pleasant and productive.  We often get our best ideas for growth and improvement from those in the field.  Feel free to call our office or email any time.


On behalf of the students of Schenectady, thank you again for taking an interest in our district and choosing to spend your time with our students.  We are confident that you will find volunteering in Schenectady to be gratifying and enjoyable.  

Thank you,

Schenectady City School District

Personal Information

Personal Information

I don't have a middle name
Phone number is required
Please note: An email will be sent to the email address entered to inform you of the status of your application.
School Preferences

Please select the schools at which you wish to volunteer


Please select the functions from the list below. (select all that apply)



The Following documents are required by the state to authorize clearance within this school district


Please select the organization(s) on behalf of which you are volunteering (if not applicable, select "None")


Please read the disclaimer below and provide your signature


As a volunteer, I agree to abide by the following code of volunteer conduct:

1. I will become familiar with the school’s policies and procedures, including the Schenectady City School   

    District Code of Conduct and uphold these policies while working with students.

2. Immediately upon arrival, I will sign in at the main office and prominently wear a visitor name badge while 

    in the building.

3. I understand that the classroom teacher is responsible for content, instructional techniques and discipline.

4. I agree to never be alone with individual students who are not under the supervision of teachers or school 


(Extended learning programs will align to the respective service agreement.) 

5. I will not contact or meet students outside of school hours without permission from the students’ parents/guardians.

6. I agree not to exchange telephone numbers, home addresses, e-mail addresses or any other personal contact 

    information with students for any purpose unless it is required as part of my role as a volunteer and only with 

    parental/guardian permission (with documentation provided to the building administrator).

7. I will maintain confidentiality outside of school and will share with teachers and/or school administrators any 

    concerns that I may have related to student welfare and/or safety.

8. I will not disclose, use, or disseminate student photographs or personal information about students, self, or 


9. I will not endorse or promote any particular religion, pray with students or invite them to participate in any 

    religious activities outside of school.

10. I agree to notify the school principal if I am arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug or weapon 

      related offense.


Allegations of violation of these standards will result in immediate suspension as a volunteer/mentor. If

an investigation by the proper authorities determines a violation occurred, it will result in the immediate

and permanent dismissal as a district volunteer/mentor.



By providing your signature, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations of the District Volunteer Program.

By signing your name you agree to all the above statements. Use the mouse or touch screen to sign.

Thank You

Your volunteer application has been successfully submitted and will be reviewed per the district’s volunteer policy. In the near future, you will be notified as to your volunteer status. If you have any questions, please request to speak with a volunteer representative.